Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dog Time


I don't really like Daylight Savings Time. It's stupid. Really, what's wrong with Standard Time? The sun comes up earlier in the morning, which is a good thing for people trying to wake up and go to work or school. Also, who the hell needs daylight at nine in the evening? We have streetlights and electricity everywhere. Anyway, that's not what I'm going to bitch about here.

It's the dogs. My plan was to let them continue to think it was still pre-Daylight Savings Time so I could sleep an hour longer. Scout and Daisy would have no idea the crazy humans had turned the clocks forward one hour. So that was the plan. Two weeks into the time change and it has turned out that at least one of my dogs is very smart. I'm not sure which one figured it out, but for the last few days Daisy has been getting up at five thirty in the morning, walking across my legs and jumping down off the bed. This wakes me up. When I look down at the floor, there's Scout sitting there staring at me while Daisy sits in the hallway making her, get the fuck out of bed, noise. "Hurumph.... hurumph...  I fucking said, hurumph! Now get the fuck up and take us out and feed us." (Yes, my dogs curse. Not sure where they learned that.) I don't know what tipped them off. I figure at least one of them can count, or maybe can tell time. It could be the old wind up clock on the fireplace mantel. It has a gong that counts out the hours on the hour. My guess is it's Scout that can count and knows what it means when the windup clock gongs five times. But then again, Daisy knows that when Alexa tells me my breakfast is ready, it's time to run into the kitchen.