Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hot Town, Summer in my Backyard

Well, things are popping now. Finally the arrival of summer and warm temperatures has propelled the backyard into accelerated growth. Seriously, it is out of control. The grape vine is reaching out to grab my lounge chair, and the cucumber plant keeps trying to grab the dogs as they walk past. You can almost see them growing, at least three or four inches a day. As for those grapes and the raspberries, the birds have not found them yet. But Chandler has. He keeps picking whole bunches of unripe grapes off the vine to eat, and picks ripe raspberries off that bush. And just today he discovered the tomato plant has tomatoes on it and has started eating those. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if that cucumber plant grabbed his ass. It would put some fear of plant life in him.

Summer is rolling along and I have taken advantage of the great weather. The past two days I finally got around to painting the bedside tables Mark asked me to paint. I dragged them out of the garage and put them on top of the city trash bin so it would be easier to spray paint them. Thank you City of Chicago for the handy work bench you provided. Mark was happy with the results and told me that maybe it was worth the wait. Did I mention that he asked me to do this job three years ago? Sorry, but I have to be in the mood to do a chore. I have a few other outside things that need attending to, like the rotten fascia board on the garage and the porch windows that need painting. The fascia board is on the side that faces the neighbor's yard, and the windows are high up, out of my line of sight. So maybe this summer, or maybe next. You just never know when the mood will strike.

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