Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary To Us

I have acknowledged before that my memory isn't all that good. Despite my best of intentions not to forget things, I still repetitively forget the same things every day. This is a boon for the cats and Chandler, because sometimes what I've forgotten is that I've already fed them, and they get an extra dose of food. Of course this also opens them up to the opposite happening, and after hours of animals bugging me I will suddenly realize that I haven't fed anyone yet today.

This past Christmas my sister Lisa sent us all a really nice calendar with all our family birthdays, and anniversaries, with the year they happened printed on the appropriate dates. I'm not sure but she might also have included her dogs on that calendar. Either that, or I have some grand nieces and nephews that I don't know about. The calendar is a great idea, however it doesn't always work the way it's supposed to. I was sitting in my office this morning and I happened to glance over at that calendar, and a horrible feeling came over me. I didn't even have to walk over and check, I knew. I had forgotten Mark's and my anniversary. There it was clearly marked, with a nice photo of us on the top page of the calendar, yet it had completely slipped my mind. Not only had our anniversary slipped my mind, but the idea of looking at the calendar every day or at least once a week had slipped my mind. I was five days late, so sheepishly I mentioned to Mark, "Did you know Tuesday was our anniversary?".  "Yes, I do know that.", he replied. As I waited for the inevitable guilt to be put upon me, Mark went on to say, "I just remembered it yesterday." Ah ha! I was off the hook. Mark is getting old too, after all he just turned fifty. That old fart is almost as bad as me. The only thing that proves he is a little younger is that he was able to remember it one day before me.

Last Tuesday instead of celebrating our anniversary, Mark and I were at the Home Depot buying a new tile saw, and a toilet. This morning after a short discussion, we both agreed that those were our anniversary gifts to each other. My only gripe is that I got the toilet.


  1. Happy anniversary Alan and Mark!

  2. And with that toilet will come many great stories for this blog. Happy Anniversary! How many years now? 15?

  3. The toilet is so very appropriate for you, Mr. Hanky!!!! Happy Belated Anniversary!!!

  4. We all will of course be waiting for pictures of the newly install thrown and its first inauguration.

  5. Umm, Anonymous, wouldn't that be "throne" unless you are talking about "throwing" Alan off the toilet!!!

  6. Gud spellin iz not a prerequisite 4 leevin coments on this blog.

  7. You would think this comment box would have spell check.

  8. Garet, it does, but it does not correct syntax or grammar. Since 'thrown' is a real word spell check won't catch it.
