Thursday, September 16, 2010

Video Thursday


  1. I'm confused. What are we looking at? What is suppose to be happening?

  2. Pretty funny ! As soon as I turn on the camera, my dogs decide it't time for a nap. Guess you need to run that camera 24/7 and see what happens (might get some interesting Mark things too!!)

  3. Deaf Anonymous, listen real hard. The magazine is playing the Hawaii Five O theme song, like one of those musical greeting cards. It's embedded right in the magazine page. When Mark first opened up the magazine Chandler went nuts. It was so funny I ran and got the video camera, at which time Chandler calmed down. I guess you had to be there. I suppose if I had put a wig on him and interspersed that with clips from the Real Housewives of New Jersey everybody would have been happier.

  4. He sure is a cutie. I am looking forward to seeing him in November. Oh yea, you and Mark too.

  5. Chandler should be allowed to showcase his skills in any way on video Thursday. Farting and sleeping included.

  6. I'm very happy with Video Thursday today. Chandler is a real cute dog and I think this was funny!

  7. Ha Ha! I know who Deaf Confused Anonymous is!! And I enjoyed the video as I knew what probably went on BEFORE you were taping. Dogs are like that, they like to make you look stupid!
