Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hair of the Dog

For the last four months Sasha has been chewing on her leg. I noticed it early on because of the little naked patch. What is weird is that I can't catch her doing it. I keep finding little black hairs laying around that aren't curly, so I know they don't belong to Mark. Anyway we took her to the vet, who gave her a shot and some pills. Two months later and Sasha now has both legs denuded of hair. So today it was back to the veterinarian's office for another shot, more pills, and a lecture about how fat we've allowed her to get. Sasha, not the veterinarian. The veterinarian is quite lean.

An odd thing I noticed while in the waiting room at the vet's office, was that my pinky finger was hurting. I sat there massaging it and I noticed that my pinky finger is bent. There is a very noticeable bend at the first knuckle. Is that normal, what does it mean? I don't remember smashing it, or breaking it, or hurting it in any way. In fact now that I look more closely I think my forefinger is bent too. Not nearly as much, but it does have a little bend to it. Much like the rest of me, it's a little bent.


  1. Arthur Ritis strikes again!!!! You know it can affect all joints (no, not that kind!)

  2. I was going to say exactly what Peggy said...Arthur Ritis. AP has the same thing in his pointer finger. I have it in my thumbs. You can wear tight gloves and buy a parafin wax bath for your fingers but they won't un-bend.

  3. I was going to say exactly what Peggy said...Arthur Ritis. AP has the same thing in his pointer finger. I have it in my thumbs. You can wear tight gloves and buy a parafin wax bath for your fingers but they won't un-bend.
