Friday, December 13, 2013

Mark's Birthday Present

I took Mark to see Book of Mormon last night for his birthday (It's ten days from now). The show was vulgar, blasphemous, sarcastic, and I loved it.


  1. Capricorns rule! Happy birthday Mark!

  2. We saw it last year as our family Christmas present....surely I will burn in hell! We loved it too, LMAO!

  3. That guy must have been so thrilled to be sooo close to ORLANDO.
    And the thought of that maple frosted donut... such sin, sin, sin.

    Great video choice, Alan. The BOM had a great run in Chicago last year. Complete irreverant entertainment with many memorable lines that come back at the most appropriate times, like "turn it off"--appropriate for other situtations, not just the ones referred to in the play...

    Happy birthday to Mark!

  4. We saw it this summer in London. Fantastic.
