Monday, December 5, 2016

Apply Directly to Your Forehead

Remember ten years ago when that new product burst into your consciousness because of an ad campaign that went like this.
"HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead."
"HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead."
"HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead."
You couldn't get away from it. It was played over and over again all day long on cable television and during broadcast daytime television. That stupid tag line repeated three times, convinced a lot of people that you could cure a headache by rubbing a wax stick on your forehead. Yes, that is what the main ingredient of Headon was, wax. It did have some other ingredients. In extremely tiny amounts that were almost undetectable, were some plant materials. You would think that people would figure out that you cannot cure a headache by rubbing wax on your forehead. Even if there was an active ingredient that could cure a headache, that could be absorbed into the skin on your forehead, there was no way it was going to pass on through your skull and into your brain. But millions of people bought that shit. If it was that easy to get things into your brain I'd have rubbed all my school books across my forehead. Now ten years later you never hear of Headon. It's not even available at Walmart where the most gullible of people shop. That's because after watching the flashy ads, and believing the promise of pain relief, folks found out that they'd been had. They went out and bought Headon and rubbed that stuff on their head as they were told, and nothing. Unless the person is very suggestible, they got no pain relief from the product, and Headon withered on the vine because there were no repeat purchases. So remember, when you see that flashy ad on television and the huckster is telling you that what he's selling will cure your ills, don't buy it. And if you have already bought what he was selling, don't be fooled twice and buy it again. Because there is no magic shortcut for curing your ills.

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