Thursday, August 17, 2017

Don't Wear Cheap Shoes

Forty years ago I worked for a place that imported shoes from Poland. Nothing against Poland, but the shoes were cheap. Cheap in price, cheap in construction, and cheap in materials. They were supposedly made from leather, but I suspect that the communists in Poland had perfected faux leather. Probably made out of ground up chicken bones, glue, and shredded, unsold copies of Pravda. That would be the upper part of the shoe. The lower part of the shoe, the sole and heel, were pure cardboard and wore out quickly. The one good thing about these imported, communist shoes, is that my boss would sell me a pair for around $1.89. Considering that my take home pay was one hundred and twenty dollars a week, that was a great deal. Unfortunately, I think I am paying a much higher price for those shoes today. My feet are messed up. I have bone spurs, a neuroma, neuropathy, and my feet splay out like I'm walking in two different directions. I blame the shoes. Do not wear cheap shoes! Right now I am in serious pain with the arthritic ankle on my right foot, and a case of plantar fasciitis in the left foot. I went to see my podiatrist last week and told him that I wanted to be able to walk again. I don't know if he'll be able to restore some semblance of health to my feet, but I sure hope so. Otherwise I'll be having Hoveround® races with my ninety five year old mom soon.

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