Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Put it Down

In Illinois it is illegal to drive while using a handheld electronic device. Yet every time I drive down the street, at least one third of the morons in the other cars are texting, talking, or simply looking at their smart phones. I would rather deal with a person who has had two or three drinks than some idiot with a phone in their hand. At least the drinker is actively trying to pay attention, blurry but trying. For some reason the Chicago Police do not enforce the handheld ban. Seriously, if I can see it as we drive down the street, if I can see the asshole driving ten miles an hour and drifting into my lane, why can't the cops? Think about the income from fines. The police could fund their enormous pensions with the fines from these jackholes. Just yesterday morning, as I was taking Chandler out for his morning stroll, I saw a woman blow through the stop sign at the end of the street without even slowing down a bit. She had a smart phone propped up on the steering wheel and was staring down at it while she poked the screen. Probably texting her girlfriend "will be at dunkin donuts in one minute. get me large hazelnut macchiato 😃"

Put the goddamn phones away people. Humans have been on this Earth for thousands of years without needing to immediately respond to a jingling slab of electronics. And remember, the Illinois law says 'electronic devices'. So if you must stop at the local Pleasure Chest, or whatever the sex store in your town is called, leave that vibrating toy in the package until you get home.

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