Thursday, September 28, 2017

You Can't Go Home Again. No, Seriously. Somebody Else Lives There.

Yesterday was drive fifty miles out to Mom's house and fifty miles back into the city day, or Wednesday as most people call it. As usual, I stopped at Micky's Ribs to get Mom some of that boiled and barbecued, fall off the bone meat candy that she loves. As usual, I filled up the car with a tank of that cheap Will County gasoline. As usual, I sat with Mom and ate lunch while she told me the same stories that I've heard many times. So it was getting just a little too much like Groundhog Day, the movie, for me. Just to change things up I decided to take the scenic ride through Tinley Park on my way home. That means I drive past all my old haunts, our old homes, and past the homes of my old friends. It's kind of depressing because everything has changed so much. Seriously, I'll turn a corner and what was in my mind's eye doesn't exist anymore. I won't recognize a thing. Finally, I drove past our house, the last one that I lived in as a kid. I stopped out front and looked it over. It looks just like I remember it. Or at least I thought so. I took a photo and compared it later to one from 1967. It's not the same. Same basic shape, but not the same. For one thing, where's the snow?

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