Monday, December 31, 2018

Netflix - The Menu That Keeps on Giving

Christmas holiday time. It's the time when everybody on television takes a vacation except for the people who do those crappy Christmas shows. Saturday night, the twenty ninth of December, I started scrolling through the television guide hoping to find something I'd like. Nothing, nothing, nothing, oh wait.... nothing. After a full cycle through the guide, I decided to switch over to Netflix. I am always hearing about the great shows on Netflix. There's House of Cards which I stopped watching, Stranger Things, that show about Kimmie, so many shows on Netflix that people have raved about. There are many that I have started watching only to abandon after a few episodes. I began scrolling through the Netflix menu. Plenty of comedians that I'd never heard of were represented. There were series, both comedy and drama. And the movies, plenty of movies. Many of the things I saw on the menu looked sort of interesting, but I kept on going. I was curious to see just what else was on Netflix. I started scrolling through it around seven in the evening. Before I knew it, it was nearly nine in the evening and I still hadn't settled on one show. So I went back to the search section and typed in 'Breaking Bad'. Yes, I watched the first episode of Breaking Bad again. Then I watched the last episode. No sense binge watching the full series again. After three binge watchings I think I can fill in everything that happened between the first and last episodes.


  1. What the hell are you doing writing blog entries at 5 am! (the other G)

    1. Blogger allows you to schedule posts ahead of time.
