Thursday, August 1, 2019


So Mark was having problems breathing in the hot humid weather. After two weeks of listening to him complain, I told him he was going to the hospital. One positive thing, Illinois Masonic Hospital has a wonderful emergency room. Within five minutes Mark was whisked into a room and for the first half hour nurse after nurse, and doctor after doctor came in and probed him. Then it slowed down, it became a huge bore. When the next doctor showed up I asked if Mark was going to be admitted. The answer was yes, so I packed up and went home. Yes, I left him there. I was looking forward to twenty four hours of peace and quiet. About nine in the evening the phone rang. It was Mark. He was upset.
"They keep poking me, and sticking me, and taking me out for tests. I asked them for a nebulizer treatment hours ago....  " He rapidly squeaked out.
"Calm down, I can barely understand you when you get like this."
"I need a nebulizer treatment. They haven't given me one at all since I got here. They want to do a CT scan of my stomach. I told them it's just gas.... "
So I told Mark I would do what I could and hung up. I was seriously considering bringing him his nebulizer from home. Instead I called the hospital, got the nurse's station on the floor Mark was on, and was transferred directly to the Mark's nurse. The poor woman was a mess. Mark had done his worst terrorizing her and I could hear fear in her voice.
"I told Mark that the pharmacy has to fill the order before I can give him a treatment."
"Okay, but what about this CT scan they want to do? He's had all that stuff done before."
In the background I could hear Mark's voice.
"Are you with him now?" I asked.
In a quivering voice she said, yes. I felt very bad for her so I tried to explain the ways of Mark and told her not to get upset. I'm not sure if I succeeded. I had called to try and calm Mark down, to try and get him his treatment, but instead I found myself trying to calm the nurse. If it had been me, if I were Mark's nurse, I would have just given him a pill and called it a night. Then maybe take one myself.

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