Wednesday, November 6, 2019

You Can Lead a Dog to Water... If There's Water

I feel terrible. I let my dogs down. Chandler came into the living room, stood directly in front of my recliner chair, and barked. Once, he barked one bark. I asked him what he wanted and he barked one more bark. I had just taken both dogs outside and I had fed them their dinner, so I wasn't sure just what it was he wanted. Then Chandler started doing his bark, wait three seconds, bark, wait three seconds, bark. One single bark highlighted by the pause. So I got up and followed him through the house. He stopped at his water bowl. I looked down and it seemed to have plenty of water in it. So I gave him a cookie and returned to my recliner chair. Two minutes later he did the bark thing again. This time, when I checked things out, I bent over and looked more closely at his bowl. It was bone dry. Weird thing about his metal water bowl, all the reflections make it look like it is full. So I filled it back up, apologized to Chandler and Scout, and gave them each a cookie. Part of the water problem is that Chandler will drink a gallon of water every time we sit down to eat. For some reason he is programmed to drink the water while we eat. Slurp, slop, slurp. That's the sound I hear while I eat, and then there's the sound of Chandler drinking water. (Mark needs to learn how to chew with his mouth shut.) Anyway, it would be easier if Chandler would go back to what he would do when he was young. Pick up his empty bowl and bring it to me, as if to say "Here asshole, put something in this."

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