Friday, May 1, 2020

Stick 'em Up

I can't help feeling like I'm about to rob a bank every time I go shopping these days. Seriously, the Jewel store could be full of stickup men and who would know? The whole mask thing makes me also wonder about how is that facial recognition software working in the age of Covid19? Does Facebook recognize me with the mask on? I don't know because I turned that feature off. So many things different about life in the year 2020. You would think I would be used to being shut in my house all day long. Over the last few years Mark's health has meant that I cannot leave him alone for any amount of time. At least before the stay at home orders, I had my four hours bowling on Tuesdays and four hours driving out to see Mom on Wednesdays. Now it's me and Mark, all day long, all night long, all week long....  Just me and Mark. I never knew how much those eight hours of bowling and Mom meant until they were taken away from me. So, this is the age of the face mask. Mostly people wearing the blue masks, some with designer masks, and some homemade masks. Doesn't matter what kind, I hate them. I don't like not knowing if somebody is smiling or mouthing the words 'fuck off' under there. All I know is that no matter what mask I try, they all tickle my nose which leads to sniffling, and the need to blow my nose. So I pull down my mask and blow my nose. Which makes other people steer clear of me out for fear of the virus. Which is fine. But if they give me too much of a nasty look, I just pull my mask back up and mouth the words, 'fuck off'.

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