Monday, May 11, 2020

We Can Do It !!

 (From eleven years ago. Remember how good it felt?)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dead Voters and My Breakfast

In November 1960 I was ten years old, and my friend Jimmy and I were asked by a neighbor if we wanted to help campaign for John Kennedy. Of course we did. Kennedy and I were members of the same club, the Catholic Church. So like good little soldiers we went around with red and white flyers under our arms, knocking on doors in our mostly Republican town. We had a few doors slammed in our faces. I remember going home after passing out those flyers, to see my newborn baby sister Lisa. Mom and Dad had just brought her home from the hospital, and I showed up with red ink staining my hands from the flyers. A few months later, for the first time in my life, I watched the inauguration of a president. Hooray, our guy won, albeit with the help of a few dead folks voting from the grave in Chicago.

Mark claims that he wasn't for Barack Obama at first, that he was a John Edwards fan. Right up until yesterday he continued to be a hard ass, constantly pointing out the flaws in Obama. The truth is that the election of Barack Obama has meant a lot to Mark. The reason I know this is because when Mark is happy, he cooks. This morning I heard the clanging of pots and pans in the kitchen, and the unmistakable smell of food. Mark never cooks breakfast, but this morning he couldn't contain himself, and as a result I was served one of the best omelet's I have ever eaten.

Up until today, I have never seen an inauguration as anticipated as this one. The only thing I can compare it to was the inauguration of Kennedy, and Kennedy's pales by comparison. I hope Obama does a good job. (From Alan in the year 2020, he did) But I am not holding my breath. I'm not going to wait for Mark to make me breakfast all the time. Not even President Obama can make him that happy.

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