Monday, August 3, 2020

Snack Attack

It all went into the garbage... except for the croutons

Our kitchen is packed with things. Things in cabinets, things on the counters, things under the counters, and things hanging from other things. It's Mark. He thinks that he needs everything, usually in duplicate if not more. Anyway, Last Thursday my sister Lisa came over to help me out. I was going to go see Mom and I needed somebody to watch the dogs and keep an eye on Mark. The visit to Mom was nice. She seemed in good spirits and looked healthy enough for a ninety eight year old woman. I did not tell Lisa to clean my kitchen counters off while I was out visiting Mom. I simply knew that she would. She can't help it. Lisa needs to see order and neatness. So there I was yesterday, looking at that clean and neatly cleared counter space. I knew what I had to do. Pull all the old snacks in the cabinet above the refrigerator out and put them on that counter. It was nice to have the space to do that. Thank you, Lisa. Now back to those snacks. Jammed in that upper cabinet were crackers, chips, pretzels, and various other things Mark has put on the shopping list over the years.
"I know we already have that, but it's on sale. So buy it."
So I buy what Mark tells me to buy.
Here's what I found in that cabinet. A bag of Pepperidge Farm Pretzel Goldfish, expiration date June of 2017. Another bag of Pepperidge Farm Pretzel Goldfish, expiration date September 2018. A third bag of Goldfish, expiration date August 2019. I found a very old box of grits, oyster crackers, various other crackers, all out of date. I also found an opened bag of cheese and garlic croutons, but I put that back in the cabinet because croutons are supposed to be stale. I figured they'd be extra crunchy since they expired nine months ago. The rest of the crap that I pulled out of there was tossed into the garbage. Now that I got my juices going for throwing shit out, I'm going to tackle that refrigerator. I'm sure there are jars of pickles way in the back, that were opened the week the new refrigerator was delivered. Four years ago.

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