Friday, September 17, 2021



I have a hard time buying shoes. My feet are a strange shape with a faulty structure. Bones don't quite fit right and there is nerve damage that requires just the right shoe. Knowing that, for some reason I occasionally will buy a substandard shoe. I fall for advertising that says my feet will feel great in a pair of shoes. Yet after five days of wearing the cheaper shoes, my feet rebel. Last week I bought a pair at a department store. They were on sale and I had a fifteen percent off coupon for the store. So I succumbed to the temptation. The shoes felt fine in the store. Then I started wearing them. To walk the dogs. To go shopping. Five days of the bargain shoes and my feet hated them. Not only my feet, but my knees, legs, and back started hurting.

I was sitting in the living room the other day and I noticed some little black things on the carpet. Looked like bugs, so I took a closer look while holding one of my new shoes to clobber them if they were actually bugs. They were not bugs. What I found them to be, were the aglets from the shoelaces of my new shoes. The Shoes I don't want anymore. Scout had chewed them off. Possibly she was trying to tell me something. 


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