Thursday, August 5, 2010

Video Thursday

This is not a put on. This is really Mark driving the way he always drives. I have to admit, the longer we are in Chicago, the better he is driving. However, there are no hills, or curves in Chicago.


  1. OMG, he has a death grip on that steering wheel!

    Is that GPS for real? I have been dying to have one that cusses.

  2. It's a Tom Tom and Mark downloaded the voices off the internet. They also have them for Garmin. That was Eric Cartman Mark put on ours. When you turn right he says "Turn right into Kyle's mom's vagina"

    It was so distracting that we actually missed a couple of turns.

  3. I knew it was a South Park GPS!!! Too funny!! But I like it better than the bitch on mine that sneers "RE-calcu-LATING!!" everytime I don't follow her directions! And I'm usually right!

  4. And, oh yes, Mark....the world would be a boring place if all the roads were straight!! P.S. STAY OUT OF THE MOUNTAINS!!

  5. Peggy, what are you trying to say. Straight is boring?

  6. Roads, people, whatever!!!! Some of my favorite people "curve"!

  7. I am beginning to think you enjoy the chaos of driving with Mark!

  8. I think they have meds for this...however, it would lessen the enjoyment of others:)
    bliss farm antiques

  9. I asked Mark to refill his Xanax before the trip, but he didn't want to. We had to rely on vodka instead. (No he did not drive drunk, besides how much damage can you do at twenty miles per hour?)

  10. OMG, great video - we got back from FLA on Tuesday and I we took the "long" way back to enjoy the ride. I can't imagine how Mark handled Atlanta and the "mountains" of Chattanooga. How many days did it take you to get to Chicago??
    P.S. - our TomTom had a race car driver for a voice!! pretty funny!

  11. OMG...I'm laughing my a$$ off. Mark is hilarious! I never noticed his little accent before either, pretty cute. Uncle Alan, you are deliberately trying to make him nuts while he's driving. It's obvious you find lots of humor in it. (It is pretty funny.) Anyhow, once again I think it's a family thing to harass the one we love. xoxox's
