Friday, January 24, 2014

Training Day

For six Thursday evenings I am taking Bette for her training lessons. So far she is doing well, but she really doesn't want to do "down". Sit, come, and stay all seem easy for her but when it comes to "down" she kind of tells me to go screw myself. But really, what more does she need besides the big three, sit, stay, come? One more thing, Mark bought me a nifty video program by Adobe. The problem is that it is so damn complicated that I reverted to the very basic Flip Video program. That just won't do for Alicia and Alexis. I hope to get a different video program for those girls.


  1. You should have Mark train her; look what a good job he did with you using treats.

  2. Every time I play this video Bette comes into the office and stands there looking at me. Also, when I train her at home, Chandler comes over and stands next to her, obeying the commands with her. I think he wants a treat too.

  3. I have a video (somewhere) of Laura showing me how much her dog, Frida, had learned in the short time they had her. "Sit! Down! Roll Over!" And right behind her was their pittie, Alice, doing everything she asked!! Some dogs just are pleasers and some dogs just say screw you!!

  4. P.S. On the video your voice needs to command her more. STAY! should be firm and forceful. Your voice almost had a questioning quality at the end....Staaay(??) Also, don't say it so much...only repeat it if you see that her ass is lifting off the ground. You know she heard you the first time!!

  5. It's still early in the process. Trust me, my voice has much more authority than Mark's. When he gives them commands, they just look at him for a second and continue doing what ever they were doing.

  6. She is a cutie. I have to use hand signals with Pickles because, sadly, she is quite deaf. But she'll do anything for a treat.

  7. I did not know that Pickles was deaf. I actually find that Bette is responding to the hand signals just as well as the voice commands. Oh, and she just peed on the carpet again. Sit, stay, come, but no pee control.

  8. You need to tell her to roll over. Down isn't fun. Then scratch her tummy and give her a treat.You know like Mark trained...nevermind.

  9. Also get her her to "shake paw". She seemed to know that one. How about "dance"? She looked cute standing up for her treat on the basket ball court. Get her to hop then pirouette. Once she learn that you can put a little pink tutu on her and bring her the bar.

