Monday, March 19, 2018

They're Here !

Crocus, next to my front porch

I've been keeping an eye out for the first signs of spring. Up until Saturday I hadn't seen anything but dead leaves, dead grass, and bare trees. Then suddenly, Saturday afternoon, I looked out the window and there they were. The crocus had popped their little heads up, checking to see if it was safe to come out. Down in the basement, next to the window, I have pansies and nasturtiums trying to grow. I sure hope they're ready to plant outside on time. You know how those pansies are, so fickle. It got up to sixty degrees yesterday so I gave the back yard a good going over, trying to find every single dog turd that I could. I certainly don't want to be digging through all that shit to plant my flowers. And before the sun set yesterday, I moved the snow blower from just inside the back porch door to its summer place in the garage. I sure hope I didn't jump the gun on that one. This is Chicago and it has been known to snow on the opening day of the baseball season.


  1. Nice work Alan. Rabbits are eating away at our emerging tulip leaves. Thankfully none of the neighborhood critters care to eat daffodil sprouts. Those Pansies can be quite hardy.

    1. Yes, I've known a lot of very hardy pansies.
