Monday, August 20, 2018

Green Goo

Joey and Kellen III

My niece posted this photo of her boys all gussied up for the first day of school. Look at that hair. That is a super nice mom job. Only a mom could turn two boys out for school looking like that. It brings back memories of my mom and my hair.

Besides brushing, braiding, and curling of my sister's hair, Mom would comb my hair just before sending me off to school. She had this big jar of green goo with a large opening. Mom would take the rat tail comb and dip it into that jar. She would load the comb up and then pull it back out dripping with that glop. Dip and comb, dip and comb, until my hair looked just right. The part would be arrow straight, the hair on top combed neatly across, and the hair up front was looped back into a pompadour that looked like a giant wave about to break on shore. On the long walk to school my hair would slowly dry into a hard crust, and by the time I arrived at school it was like a helmet. I looked spiffy. Seriously, that green goo would dry so hard that I would spend the first few hours of school obsessively tapping at it, trying to break my hair loose. I believe that the NFL actually discovered this green goo and built the first hard helmets from it. Anyway, it's good to see my grand nephews looking so good. Maybe I'll send my niece a jar of that green goo. I'm sure the boys would be very thankful of Uncle Alan for that.
Uncle Alan


  1. Green goo!! I wonder if they still make that stuff? If it hold as well as you remember, we need it :-D

  2. My mom would comb/brush in the morning before school, and again after lunch before. returning to school.When I read your mom did that I cracked up.
