Friday, January 24, 2020

Chandler Goes to the Vet

I took Chandler to the vet for the first time in two years. Nothing wrong with him that is obvious. It's just that he is getting older, turning twelve in three months, and I wanted to establish a regular veterinarian for him. This was a new doctor and a new office. The reason I haven't taken him back to the vet we used when we first moved to Chicago is that I felt violated. I felt like I had a bunch of smiling faces who claimed to want only the best for my dogs, reaching way too deep into my pockets. I was told that my dogs need a shot for some bacteria that is transmitted by rat piss. I was told that my dogs will get heart worm. I was told that they needed vaccine after vaccine or they will die a horrible death. Personally, I think the only thing veterinarians do well is give your dog a rabies shot and distemper shot when they are puppies. Then, after many years, help you end their life with dignity. Everything in between is simply a money grab.  So, with all that said, the new doctor's office is modern, clean, and efficient. They were very nice to Chandler and gave him a good examination after which he received numerous doggy treats. Chandler loved all the attention. But here's the down side of all that. I was told he needed a vaccine for the rat piss, that he will get heartworm, and if I don't get his teeth fixed he will die a horrible death. All of that will cost a lot of money. Like I said, Chandler is nearly twelve years old. Dogs his size live thirteen to fifteen years. So of course I will cough up the bucks and get his teeth fixed. Even if he were to die the next day, at least his teeth will be looking good. Oh, and that rat piss vaccine. He'll get that too.

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