Monday, March 9, 2020


Not the actual proposed Tubman twenty, but I really like this one.

I have an odd sense of humor and I also tend to get emotional while watching movies or television shows. An ironic turn might make me laugh, or a particularly touching scene might make me tear up. What pisses me off is Mark. If I laugh at something he doesn't get, he asks me why did I laugh. That completely ruins the moment. If it's over your head, too bad, move on. The opposite happens if I am suddenly touched by a scene in a movie. Tears start to well up in my eyes, and sometimes I will actually break out in quiet sobbing. That's when Mark will look over at me and ask with a hint of sarcasm, "Are you crying?" My answer is usually, "Screw you, you heartless bastard." Or something along those lines.

On Saturday Mark and I sat down to watch the movie, 'Harriet'. Harriet Tubman, who it turns out is one of the most heroic and under celebrated figures in the history of the United States, is the subject of the movie. She personally saved seventy plus people from the chains of slavery by returning time and again to the plantations of Maryland, and escorted them to freedom. This is after she herself had escaped. Then, during the Civil War, she led one hundred and fifty Black soldiers in a raid that rescued more than seven hundred human beings from enslavement. I had heard of Harriet Tubman before, but did not realize the lengths she had gone through to free so many people. After watching the movie I assumed most of that couldn't be true. I was wrong. The movie is at least ninety five percent accurate with just a few artistic licenses taken. I was sobbing by the end of that movie and for once Mark did not point that out.

By the way, Harriet Tubman was scheduled to be the new face of the twenty dollar bill this year, but something happened to stop that from becoming a reality.

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