Wednesday, December 8, 2021

When Satan Knocks at Your Door


My doctor has repeatedly told me to cut out as much sugar as I can from my diet. At first this was very difficult. I like sugar. I could suck down a giant chocolate malt milk shake every day. I love them. I love glazed donuts, jelly donuts, and those Boston cream donuts. I have been known to eat a pound of gummy bears in one night, and could follow that up with some chocolates. The doctor also told me to avoid the deep fried stuff, like Popeye's chicken. This was easier, because the Popeye's near me does not have a drive through window. Anyway, I did manage to cut out over ninety percent of the sugar I used to ingest. As a result, I have lost twenty five pounds of fat so far. I'd like to lose another ten pounds. That would really help taking the stress off my knees, feet, and back. I only have to stick to my guns and keep off the sugar.

A week ago my friend and upstairs neighbor, Dennis, knocked at my front door. I opened it up and there he was, smiling and holding out a sleeve of chocolate chip cookies.

"These are for you. They're really good."

"Oh, thank you, but I can't... too much sugar."

"Don't worry, they're very thin."

As if being a thin cookie would make me thin.

"Well, here. Take them anyway."

And he left them on my dining room table where they sat for a few days. All I can say is Dennis was correct. They were very good, and they were very thin.

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