Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meet the Candidates

I would make such a horrible news reporter. Last Wednesday a gaggle of gay candidates had a 'meet and greet' at our favorite bar, including the 'One strike, your dog is dead' guy, Ken Keechl. So Mark and I went. What pisses me off is that I had the video camera in my pocket, and in the heat of all the discussions, I forgot to pull it out and at least get something on it.

When Mark had suggested we go and talk to the candidates, I asked myself, is that such a good idea? I've been with Mark many times when he starts talking politics, and he tends to get a bit frenetic. His arms start flailing, his voice rises to a pitch that only dogs can appreciate, and before you know it he's throwing out malapropisms left and right. As a precaution, when we arrived, I headed straight for my favorite bartender and ordered a couple of drinks. I hadn't noticed that we grabbed two bar stools next to a pair of guys wearing all the accoutrement of political sycophants. They had on the candidate tee shirts and buttons, and applauded wildly every time their favorite candidate was mentioned. By the time I got the drinks and turned to Mark, he was already enmeshed in a heated discussion with them about Ken Keechl.

"You guys are tea baggers, aren't you?" one of them said, as he stabbed the air with his finger.
It was too late. The discussion had apparently turned into an argument, and every time I tried to interject, and explain that I just wanted to ask Ken Keechl about the dog law, I was accused of being a tea party crazy guy. After a few back and forth hysterics between Mark, the tea bagger guy, and me, I finally broke down and turned into my dad. "You're a fucking nut, that's what you are, a fucking nut." I shouted. That did it. The bartender and everyone within earshot looked at me, and the two guys stood up and walked away.

Where they went, was right over to Ken Keechl to give him the 411 on the guys laying in wait for him at the bar. Instead of going the other way to avoid us, he came over and engaged us in a very civil conversation about his dog ordinance. I have to give him credit for that. He explained that the problem was with the judges misinterpreting the ordinance and not the law. I then suggested that maybe he should change the law so it wasn't quite so ambiguous, which he agreed to look into. I told him that if he was sincere about that I'd consider voting for him. He then smiled, looked into my eyes, and said, "Oh, just between you and me, I can't lose." and he walked away.

( Note from the future, past. Ken Keechl did not have it in the bag. He did not win that election.)

What it might have looked like if I had taken a photo.


  1. Non-political personAugust 24, 2010 at 5:40 AM

    Politics sucks too.

  2. My but you had your dictionary out for this one.

  3. An identity. Hey I chose it.August 24, 2010 at 10:38 AM

    What's the issue with the dog ordinance again?

  4. Click on the blue highlighted print in the first paragraph for more information.

  5. I think Ken Keechl is being extremely cavalier about this issue. He can't lose? This dog thing may be the very thing that costs him the election. Alan, Keechl gave me the same "I'll look into it" response months ago when Brandie was first taken out of her home. He isn't looking into ANYthing. This poor dog is 10 years old and may very well wind up dying of old age in this random vet clinic where she is being held before this ever gets "looked into". Did he happen to tell you that his opponent helped write an ordinance in his city that over rides Broward county that while imposing strict consequences for dangerous dog owners to adhere to, never involve "disposing' of the dog the way HIS ordinance does?
    November 2nd cannot get here quick enough.

  6. Unfortunately he was right.

    Ken Keechl 5331 65.13%
    Beverly B. Kennedy 2854 34.87%

    I voted for Beverly Kennedy, but aren't you amazed at how few votes it takes to get elected? Lots of lazy people out there who don't vote.
    There are 45,874 registered Democratic voters in Broward County, District 4. Just over 8,000 voted.

  7. He was right in the primary, 35% is a HUGE number for Beverly Kennedy to pull in!! I thought his "I can't lose" comment was in regard to 11/2, not yesterday. Is it me or is that response, no matter how "eccentric" his opponent, both disrespectful and unprofessional??? I discovered the Brandie story accidentally and have since gone to visit her on "Doggie Death Row". If you could see her, it would absolutely break your heart. He yesses everyone to death on this thing because in his head that commission has way bigger fish to fry. But ask your neighbors what they feel stronger about- the commission OKing building a new courthouse or these poor dogs being put down? So many have died already because their owners didn't have the money to fight. It's both preposterous and heart wrenching at the same time....

  8. Arrogant is what I thought when he said that to me. I intend to work a little harder talking to all my neighbors who walk dogs in the morning.

  9. Politicians=Pricks....they prove it everyday.
