Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pool Poo

Just about every evening, around the same time, the backyard cats step away from their food bowls and let the neighborhood possums eat. Never mind that the possums have rat faces and rat tails, the cats aren't into dispatching them. So instead of the cats killing them, I have very healthy possums who have fur that is quite luxurious, all on my dime. And then there is my dog Chandler. He hates the possums more than I do, and throws himself at the living room window trying to get at them. This happens every evening and I should be used to it, but each time he goes nuts at that window it scares me half to death. Speaking of having the shit scared out of me, it seems that I now have a raccoon that has decided my swimming pool is a great place to take a crap. Every morning this week, I have gone out back and found a pile of raccoon shit on the edge of the pool. In exactly the same spot each day I have found a pile of poo that rivals anything a dog might leave. So each morning I have to hose it off, scrub the coping, and just in case somebody wants to go swimming I dump some chlorine into the pool. I don't mind the raccoon so much. They're cute little guys. Sure they carry rabies, but they're cute. Not like those rat faced possums. I don't even know where they're shitting.


  1. Please scientifically explain how you know it is raccoon poop.

  2. Mark was in the house all night.

  3. ZOE goes nuts every night that the neighborhood raccoon shows up to feast in our garbage can. I have given up trying to thwart him, he even got in with the tightest bungee cords I could find. But we have come to a stalemate...as long as he leaves all the trash in the can! At least now I don't have to pick up chicken bones from under my car.

  4. That's funny. You've got new writers.
