Monday, March 23, 2009

I Smell Wet Dog

After three months of no rain the skies opened up last Wednesday and it rained for two days. Chandler does not like the rain and refused to go out, preferring to keep everything in until he exploded or I allowed him to poop inside the house. Luckily he did not explode, and I didn't allow him to do it in the house. Instead I pushed him out the back door and dragged him over to his favorite pee spot. As a courtesy to Chandler I did bring an umbrella to help keep him dry, but as I am finding out, Chandler is afraid of many things and you can now add opening up an umbrella to that list. Snapping the umbrella open terminated all of Chandler's desire to go potty, and he ran back to the door begging to get back in. As I stood there in the downpour, pleading with him to please go 'poopies', the harder he pressed against the door.

After thirty six hours of Chandler holding his bladder and clenching his sphincter, as a tactic of last resort, I decided that I would take him walkies. That usually gets him so excited he just can't hold it in any more. So in a light drizzle, off we went. Half way around the block, in front of a neighbors house, Chandler finally started doing the poop dance. Around and around in a circle until he found just the right spot. Directly in front of a 'Clean up After Your Dog' sign, he proceeded to drop two days worth of crap. I was so happy I didn't even mind picking up his gigantic turds, and we proudly walked back home in the rain with Chandler's treasure in a neat little sack for all to see.


  1. Try a golf umbrella...opened before Chandler sees it. They are larger than regular ones and should help. What is it with dogs and rain???

  2. Wet dog smell always made me throw up as a kid, not so much these days :)

  3. Don't you have a little doggy raincoat that Chandler can wear?

  4. Peg, the golf umbrella is too big for the dog run area, and open it before Chandler sees it? Chandler doesn't miss anything. He is like god, knows all and sees all.

    Chkn, glad you don't puke anymore. Kitty litter does it for me.

    Russell, of course you would think of dressing the dog up. Galoshes too?
