Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Ever since last Friday evening it has been raining here. Great for Mark's tomatoes, and perfect if you're a mosquito, but horrible for my dogs. Sasha won't stick a toe out the door if there is so much as a hint of moisture out there. Thank goodness somebody in her past life taught her to pee and poop in the shower. Chandler, on the other hand, does not seem to mind walking in the rain. I can take him out in a downpour, and while I am huddled under the umbrella, Chandler is romping in people's grass. In fact he will roll around in it until he's soaking wet. Which leads me to another problem. Immediately after I remove his harness, and leash, Chandler bounds into house, where it is a race between him and me. I run to grab a towel and dry him off, while he races over to the sofa to rub himself dry on the cushions. This morning I won, and got him all dry before he ran into the bedroom and rolled around on the bed. Geez Mark can scream. Did I mention that Mark was still sleeping in the bed, and Chandler was still a little damp?


  1. This made me laugh out loud! Used to have Siberians. Chandler sounds just like them...rain? what rain? you must be imagining it, you silly human. While my new rescue, a Pembroke Corgi is like Sasha. Only he'll actually hold it for almost 3 whole days and nights! No idea how he does it. BTW, wet Huskies smell just like the wet wool in my 6th grade cloak closet during winter in Chicago! Does Chandler?

  2. Christine, Actually Chandler is the best smelling dog I've ever had. He does get a bit of an odor from the wetness, but it's not strong. Now my Molly was a stinker. Even dry she smelled. I think that was because she was much more of a Black Lab. Chandler rolls around in the grass, yet still comes up smelling fine.

    As for the wet wool in school, I wrote about that four years ago.
    (Copy and paste this link in your address bar.)

  3. Thanks, that was hysterical Alan! Hadn't thought of the Flexible Flyer, snow forts, slushy ice balls or snow days in ages. Could soooo identify with the nuns. I had the "flying ones"...Notre Dames, talk about nasty witches! (Makes me think of the wicked witch and her flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz for some reason.) What can I say...12 yrs. of nuns will do that to you.
