Friday, November 9, 2018

I Get a Truck Driver to Yank It

So if you don't know, Mark has had a rough year. Three trips to the hospital and a long road to recovery. Yesterday we took a big step. We went shopping. Or I should say Mark went shopping. I was simply his mule. It was his first foray out of the house other than trips to the doctor since July. The thing that makes it possible is his electric handicap cart. He zips around in that thing like Dale Earnhardt jr. while I walk behind him struggling to keep up. So things worked out well. We went to one store, Home Goods. That's church to Mark. If I let him, he would spend hours in that place. My only problem with taking him shopping is that little cart. It's a great convenience, but I have to take it apart every time. Take it apart to put it in the trunk. Put it back together when we get to where we're going. Take it apart, put it back together, again and again. It comes in five pieces but I only take it down to four because the one time I removed the back end of it I couldn't get it back on. I spent twenty minutes in a hospital parking lot wrestling with that thing, cursing all the way while Mark sat in the air conditioned car. Finally I kicked it good and hard causing the rear wheel assembly to fall snuggly into place. I have not removed it since. Yesterday I had a problem with the battery. It is very heavy and requires a good, strong jerking motion to pull it out. Once again, Mark was in the warm car while I struggled with that battery. No matter how hard I pulled and jerked at it, it wouldn't budge. After breaking out into a full blown cursing fit where I used the "F" word about three hundred times, I got the brilliant idea to ask some strong young man to remove it for me. The problem with that is that only women go to Home Goods. Women and Mark. Finally, after a near stroke and breaking out in a sweat, a large truck pulled up in front of Home Goods. So I asked the nice truck driver if he would give my battery a yank. He did, it came right out, and I felt good again. I'll have to remember that next time I need something yanked. Just ask a truck driver.

1 comment:

  1. Alan, you should look into one of these.
