Friday, October 12, 2018

Lick'n Good

I've always liked cereal. Since I was a kid Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, and Wheat Chex have been my friend. It was always a toss up for my dad. Spend the extra for the pre-sweetened cereal I liked, or buy unsweetened and watch me dump half a cup of sugar in my bowl. Either way it cost him. Now that I pay for the cereal I usually get the presweetened. So yesterday morning I opened the dishwasher and got out my favorite cereal bowl. I like this one bowl because it is big, very big. I dumped a load of frosted shredded wheat into it, some milk, and dug in. A very refreshing way to start the day. I sat there in front of the television and shoveled spoonful after spoonful into my maw while Morning Joe opined about Trump. As usual, Miss Scout sat patiently at my feet, waiting for that little bit of milk and cereal bits at the bottom of the bowl. She knows that as soon as she hears the spoon clanking the empty bowl, it means I am done and she gets to lick it up. I leaned over and placed my big bowl on the floor and Scout licked and licked. I think that if I let her go for as long as she wanted she could lick the porcelain off. When it became apparent that she was done I picked up the bowl. It was as clean as if it had just been washed.

For lunch yesterday I boiled some hot dogs for myself and made Mark a grilled cheese sandwich. When the hot dogs and grilled cheese were ready I reached into the dishwasher for a couple of plates. I immediately noticed that the two plates I pulled out were still dirty. I inspected the rest of the dishes, all still dirty. I had forgotten to turn the damn dishwasher on the night before. And then I remembered my bowl of cereal that I had in the morning.

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