Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mummy Dearest

I want to believe summer is still here, but there is something in my brain that was triggered by the Labor Day holiday. It goes way back to my childhood when Labor Day was the last glorious weekend before returning to school. You see, I hated school. I know most loved it, but to me it was so boring and so confusing. I have learned more from the internet and the time I was a bartender than I learned most of my school years. Anyway, from now on it's onward to Halloween with pumpkin spice everything and decorations put up way too early. But I'm not ready for pumpkin spice Spam. In my brain summer is over and mum season is here. That's why over the weekend I tore all the flowers out of the flower boxes and the planters in front of the house, and replaced them with mums. Oh, and don't feel bad for those flowers that served me so well over the last three months. I gave them a nice new home in the flower bed in front of the house. They can live and flourish there until the first frost kills them. I think that is only fair. 

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