Monday, November 9, 2020


 (RIP Alex Trebeck. From eleven years ago.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


She Was Jesus' Lady Friend



Mark is pissed at me. It seems that I've stepped on his Jeopardy answer once too often tonight. Just like in many homes, Mark and I sit and watch Jeopardy every night and compete against each other. The rules are a lot easier when you are playing at home. You don't have to answer in the form of a question and pronunciation is not all that important. Especially since Mark has that crazy New Jersey accent, and also suffers from Norm Crosby disease. For instance if the Jeopardy answer is "It's used for putting out small fires.", I will accept Mark's answer if he says "What is a fire distinguisher?".

Tonight I have been exceptionally good, and I have beaten Mark to the answers most of the time. The only categories that Mark has the advantage in are movies, theater, and art. My forte' is sports, and early television history. All other categories are up for grabs. It is amazing how much minutia and random crap you actually know, but Jeopardy brings it all out of you. Tonight my mind was working well. I was getting answers in categories that I wouldn't even have thought I'd know, and Mark doesn't like it. Now we have had Final Jeopardy, and the subject was ‘The Bible’, which I know nothing about, and couldn‘t answer. I guess if I want dinner, I’ll have to accept Mark’s question to the answer, “Who is Mary Mandolin?”.

1 comment:

  1. my mom watches Jeopardy... When I was home in March we watched it every night, I am hopeless at it. But I enjoyed hearing my mom piping in with responses.
    I called her as soon as I heard about Alex, I wanted to break the news.
    Maybe I would have known the bible question but probably not.
