Monday, November 2, 2020

Smells Like Old Man Spirit


Catching up on things. I went and got a covid test on Sunday. I've had a nagging sore throat and my sense of smell has been messed up lately so I made the appointment. Yesterday morning I went over to Swedish Covenant Hospital for the covid test. I had a ten o'clock appointment and I had worried all the night before about them shoving that long swab up my nose. I have a propensity to bleed out of my nose, so shoving things up there isn't pleasant. To my surprise they didn't stick it up my nose. Instead the swab was shoved down my throat. I did gag, but still, it's better than up the nose.

I've been very busy stripping the house down to basics since Mark's passing. I loved Mark, but his shopping had gotten out of control. Every day UPS or Amazon Prime would come to the front door with a package. I would go down and get it, bring it through the house and tell Mark what had arrived, then carry it right on out the back door and put it on the porch. Many boxes are still out there unopened.

So I think I have covid symptoms, but It could just be a sinus infection from stirring up all the dust and dog hair while cleaning and decluttering. Speaking of dogs, Chandler is not farting as much anymore. I had switched dog food on him a few months ago and it resulted in non-stop dog farts. Strong, smelly dog farts. When he finished his last bag of the new food I went back to the old dog food, and now most of that farting has subsided. On the other hand, my farting has not subsided. I fart a lot, but twenty three years of living with Mark made me learn to do it silently. Early on Mark made it clear that he thought farting at will was gross and that I shouldn't do it. So I did it quietly and then blamed any odors on Chandler. Now I've been released. I can lay in bed while watching television, blast away, and Chandler can rest easy.

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