Thursday, March 26, 2009

Video Thursday

Chandler Finds A Lizard In The Bathtub


  1. What do you think he would have done if he had caught the lizard - eaten it?! Chandler is just too cute.

  2. Can't believe he didn't jump in and get it!! He must have been full!

  3. are u sure that wasnt you at the counter at mcdonalds

  4. Yummy, lizard McNuggets.
    I know that from the rear, Chandler looks overweight, but he is just large boned. He also doesn't like to jump over things like the side of the bathtub. Would Chandler have eaten the lizard? Yes he would, because I caught him eating one just last night.

  5. Oh my GOD he ate a lizard !!!!!!!!

    Lucky he didnt get this one hey :D

    I love lizards, where my parents live they are all over the place, I love em ! We dont get them in the UK so its a real novelty for me
