Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Can I Be On The Death Panel?

I like to think that I keep myself informed and knowledgeable about things. I read many news sites on the web from Al Jazeera to the Miami Herald. I also watch all the news that cable television and PBS have to offer, including FOX News, or as I like call it 'News for fourteen year olds'.

This morning I was watching one of those town hall meetings, which was carried by all three of the big cable news networks. It was run by Arlen Specter, and unlike most of the town hall meetings I've seen, this one had enforced rules that everyone had to abide by, which resulted in the people actually being heard. Here's the problem. Most of what I heard was breathtakingly stupid. One after another they took the microphone and regurgitated the crazy rantings of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Again and again, I heard the word socialism thrown at the idea of health care reform. "No socialized medicine!", they'd shout "We don't want to pay for other peoples health insurance!". The problem is that these people don't know the difference between socialism and social responsibility.

There was once a time when fire departments were private companies, and if you didn't have that fire departments seal affixed to your house they would just stand around and watch it burn. Seeing what the socially responsible thing to do was, local governments created public fire departments that served the entire community. Now, whether you are poor and live in a slum, or are rich and live in a mansion, the fire department shows up and pours water on your house when you fall asleep with that cigarette in your bed. That is not socialism.

At least these town hall shouters have taken the other crazies, the 'Birthers', off the front page and out of the news cycle. Unless of course they are one in the same, and can only concentrate on one conspiracy at a time.


  1. It is unbelievable how ignorant so many people are about this.

  2. people are stupid. I have never had an intelligent conversation with anyone that puts stock in what limbaugh, hennity and beck have to say. Most people just follow, like the the mob scene in Frankenstein ....I'm surprised they haven't arrived at the meetings carrying pitchforks and torches.
    I have questions about the healthcare plan that I thought would be answered at these meetings instead I'm seeing screeching morons without intelligent questions ,without any common sense not allowing for any kind of intelligent conversation.
    What scares me is the crazy guy with the white beard and the drool on his face. I know I've seen him in line at the store, driving next to me on the highway. I've seen him everywhere. There is something very wrong with that guy.

  3. Additional details at ---

    The following SUMMARIES OF OVER 1400 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES CRIMINAL and CIVIL COURT CASES will provide the BEST and MOST ACCURATE info about Jehovah's Witnesses, their beliefs, and how they ACTUALLY practice such day to day.

    The following website summarizes 900 court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 400 cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children, as well as nearly 400 CRIMINAL cases -- most involving MURDERS:


    The following website summarizes over 500 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, incidents involving problem JW Employees, and other secret JW "history" court cases:


  4. Who the hell is JJones and what the hell did he post??????

  5. Um Alan....I think JJones thinks you are a jehovah witness! But as we were care in the US is the privelege of the entitled. You have to have money AND health to get what some people take for granted. If our "elderly" legislators had to apply like the rest of us they would be turned down, not a good gamble. Of course the insurance companies are fighting against it, they make enormous profits off the healthy and deny payment for the ill. I see it from both sides, as a consumer paying too much for little coverage and working in a doctors office, seeing how little ins. co. are willing to pay for the care of their subscribers.

  6. hey goin' JEHOVAH on us?

  7. On tonights "Daily Show" John Stewart showed Glenn Becks hypocritical take on "American health care". Comparing his rhetoric DURING his health issues and now, as he is anti-Obama. What a jerk...with a very short memory!

  8. Let's get this straight, you and your readers are calling these people who disagree with your thoughts the following: ignorant,stupid,never had an intelligent conversation with,jerk,hypocritical. I guess you can say these hateful things because you and your readers of "Death Panel" are of superior intelligence and I understand very caring.

  9. Definitely of superior intelligence. We aren't swayed by lies made up out of ass gas by Sarah Palin and the health insurance lobbyists.

  10. Hey Al, were did you pick up that info about ass gas. Why the Sarah hatred? Bama has a deadline of September for all health excs to send in their personnal info on their earnings and life styles.He also will not let lobbist taint him at all. Why the hatred?. The President has it all under control.

  11. Anonymous number two,

    Just because I call out a politician for telling a lie does not mean that I hate that person. I don't even know Sarah Palin, but I do know that she has lied.

    All the hate I see is coming from the crazy Obama haters showing up at town hall meetings. I never saw any liberals show up at George W Bush's town hall meetings with loaded guns, bitching about how he wasted billions on Iraq.

    Unfortunately the ones who show up and try to disrupt the town hall meetings by shouting and interrupting have the emotional maturity of fifteen year old children. They just stand up and scream about some vague conspiracy to take away their country, as if they are the only ones who live in the USA.

    It's hard to have a conversation with a fifteen year old throwing a temper tantrum.

  12. P.S.

    Also Bush was the one who started TARP and the bail out of the banks last October. And yes, I am disappointed in Obama for continuing it.

  13. Get over Bush. It is Obama's game now.

  14. The Death Panels are now called "The Cash for Caskets program." This follows the highly sucessful Cash For Clunkers program except 1,000 times more complicated!
