Thursday, June 28, 2018

What is it ???


One week into summer and our backyard is looking great. Lots of flowers, lots of green things bursting out of the dirt. Mark had me plant his dahlias across the back of the house and then he had me sprinkle some flower seeds in between those dahlias. The seed package said, "Mixed Wild Flowers." Okay, it was mixed alright, but as of right now I call them weeds. Not one flower has come of that seed package, just green things growing and they look suspiciously like the weeds in my neighbor's yard. We do have a lot of roses, an unbelievable amount of grapes, raspberries, and my nasturtiums. The nasturtiums look real nice along the fence. So far the dogs don't have any of their favorite tomatoes. The little yellow ones that they like best have not got past the flowering stage and the dogs are getting impatient. The last two days I've had to yell at Chandler for finding his way into the human garden. Those tomatoes are for me. The dog tomatoes have their own area. One thing that is growing out there, I did not plant. It just popped up on its own and I have no idea what the hell it is. It has gigantic leaves and seems to just love where it is. If it's a weed, it is a weed that I like. Mark wants me to yank it out, but I really do like it. So if anybody knows what the hell this thing is, let me know. Here's the photo.

35 Pound dog added for size comparison.

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