Monday, July 2, 2018

Protest !

2008, Gay marriage protest, Fort Lauderdale.

I watched a little bit of those protests on Saturday and wondered if they would do any good at all. I came to the conclusion that if by demonstrating the protesters expected anybody in charge to change their ways, they would be disappointed. I know, I have protested a lot over the years. I was in the park in Chicago, in 1968 when the Yippies were protesting the Vietnam war. I protested again and again against the war. It did not convince Nixon to end it, at least not for another six years. I protested for gay rights and against those who hated us for who we were. It didn't change one homophobe's mind. The last time I protested was about ten years ago. That was for gay marriage in Florida, and it didn't change any laws. So do I think protests are a waste of energy and time? No, they matter a lot. What they do is bring together like minded people. Protests let you know that you are not alone and that if you band together with others, you can achieve your goals. Gay pride marches and protests encouraged our closeted relatives, friends, and a few famous people to come out. Remember those Tea Party protesters? The ones who went out there every weekend to protest Obama? They didn't change what Obama was doing, they didn't change my mind, yet they stuck together and spewed their crazy notions to each other. Did it work? Well, look who's sitting in the Oval Office now. 
1969, Anti-war protest. Civic (Daley) Center, Chicago.

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