Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mr. Clean

I'm no fan of the time change thing, I hate it. However, I do love the sunlight late in the day. It makes me want to do things, like clean the house. Yesterday I scrubbed the bathroom, top to bottom. When I was all done, I had that clean bathroom smell and the sunlight to see the cleanliness. Much better than the stale urine smell that spurred me to clean it in the first place.

I have always liked a clean and neat home, but it is difficult living with a clutter monster like Mark. Well, there's the clutter and then there's the fact that I don't feel like a fifteen year old kid anymore. I don't always have the energy to play the maid. I actually liked cleaning my bedroom when I was a kid. I liked the order, the dust free environment, and I liked the smell of a clean room. So much better than the stale urine smell I usually had in my bedroom, but that's another story. Now that the bathroom is all clean, I was sitting in the living room and I noticed another "spring cleaning" chore that I must get around to. Four months of schmutz on the outside of the windows, and as many months of dog snot on the inside.

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