Monday, March 25, 2019

Remember When?

When I visit my mom, I sit and listen to her stories again and again. Most of them she has told me before, but she forgets. All her stories are of things that happened long ago. Rarely does she remember what she did yesterday or even an hour ago. At ninety seven her memory isn't very good. It's not Alzheimer's, she knows who I am and recognizes everybody who visits her. It's just a short term memory problem. Much like my short term memory problems. As I grow older I've noticed that I am forgetting things. It is worrisome. I look at my mom and realize, that is my future. I will forget many things. I guess that in a way it will be kind of convenient. For instance, I'll only have to put one crossword puzzle on my computer, and those reruns of Jeopardy won't bother me. It'll all be fresh and new. How bad is my memory right now? Well, here are things I forgot today. I forgot how to take a shower. I have an order in which I wash myself. This morning I forgot and got all screwed up. I had a problem with the eye-drops for my glaucoma. I didn't actually forget to put them in my eyes. I just couldn't remember if I did it. Even though I put a reminder on my computer that I check off when I've done the eye-drops, I still have big doubts in my mind that it has been done. So I trust the computer. Then there was the kitchen sink. An hour after I had rinsed off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, I found the faucet running. One hour of hot water down the drain. I went to my computer to check to see if I had done my eye-drops. One hour later, after screwing around on Facebook for all that time, I couldn't remember why I was there. And then there was the dishwasher. I forgot to turn it on last night and didn't realize that the dishes were dirty until after I drank my morning coffee out of a 'clean' cup. So my memory is not very good. However, there is one thing I never, ever forget. I always feed the dogs on or near the same time every day. Those little fuckers would never let me forget that.

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