Monday, October 19, 2020

Nom Nom


Mark liked to pack the refrigerator with food. I have slimmed that down drastically. Another thing about Mark, he didn't like leftovers. He called leftovers, used food. I grew up on leftovers. Mom would often make enough food to feed twenty people and save half of that for another day. Sometimes incorporating it into one of her infamous casseroles. That's what I do. I'll fry up one of those 'family packs' of chicken and put the stuff I don't eat into plastic food savers. That's a big peeve of mine, family packs. Twenty pieces of chicken or pork in one package at half the price of a package with only two  pieces in it. Grocery stores taking advantage of single people. Anyway, I opened the fridge yesterday afternoon looking for lunch. There were only three of those plastic food savers in there, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what was in two of them. The one on top was salmon from Saturday night, but what was in those other two. I popped open the one under the salmon. Ah ha, bratwurst from Friday's lunch, with sautéed onions. I had completely forgot about that. Then I opened up the smaller container next to the cream cheese. 'What the hell is that' I asked myself. was it tuna salad? If it was, it would mean it was about six weeks old because I only would make that for Mark. I put my nose up close to the container. No foul odor. Hmmm... I poked at it with a fork. It had some kind of meat and little bits of diced vegetables in it. That's when I looked down and saw two drooling dogs staring up at me. Of course, it was the 'Nom Nom Beef Mash' my sister Caroline gave me for the dogs. It was dog food. Probably would taste great on one of those croissants I picked up at the Jewel on Thursday.

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