Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For Mom

Lila says, go Obama.
If an old white woman like my mom thinks Obama is okay, then he must be okay.


  1. Hey, that picture has been doctored. I bet she was actually holding a picture of Hillary. Get real!

  2. No, it's actually four years old, and she was holding a picture of Kerry/Edwards, and had a Kerry pin on.

    She really is for Obama, cause she's my mama.

  3. I'll bet Mama Obama is proud.

  4. Gay is only a small part of your life. There are many other reasons we should all be concerned about that affect our lives on a daily basis, like food, water, gasoline, peace, health care, ect, ect, ect...
    Let's not think about just ourselves. We need someone that can get us back on track at home and with the world community.

  5. Well said, Dennis. Too many people are one-issue voters. They either vote for someone because of ONE thing they agree with or vote against someone because of ONE thing they disagree with. I think that someone who is genuinely concerned about other people would end up being FOR human rights in the end.

  6. March 18th is forgive your parents day. I forgive you ma for you know not what Alan has done to you.
