Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's a Neighborly Day in This Beautywood

Click on Play

You might think that because I am writing about another neighbor problem that I am hard to get along with. That is not true, I just have a few assholes for neighbors. When I was growing up we had a problem neighbor next door, and I remember my mom chasing the guy out of our yard with a broom when he came over to complain that my sister Susie and I were throwing rocks at his yard. At the time she and I thought it was hilarious to see a gigantic, grown man running from our tiny little mother, but the fact is we were throwing rocks into his yard. Maybe because of the experience of having bad neighbors as a kid, I try very hard to be cordial and respectful of everyone up and down my block.

One thing that I do when new people move in is introduce myself. My newest neighbors moved in last week, and I went over to say hello. Instead of returning the greeting, the woman turned to me and said that our street looked like crack town. I just told her, "Nice to meet you." and walked away.  At that point I knew we were going to have a problem with her.

It turns out that I was right. The first three days after they moved in she kept parking on my property, so I left her a nice note explaining that the spot she was in was reserved for my tenants, and me. Now most people would respect that and do the right thing, not this woman. The next time she saw me, she tore into me, calling me rude and a few other things. The more I tried to explain that I was just trying to point out where it was acceptable to park, the crazier she got. Finally her husband/boy friend stepped in between us, and gave me a threatening look. I just said "Fine", and turned around and walked away, thinking to myself, "He's the one that has to live with her, not me.". By the way, the new no parking sign from the towing company is on order.


  1. Yeah for you. The sign will do it.

  2. Like the old song goes "hey ho tow them away"
    My neighbor came by with his bobcat and cleared my driveway of snow, without me ever asking...he always does it.
    In the summer he fills in the potholes.
    nice neighbors you have

  3. Cant the word "Douchebag" be squeezed in on that sign somewhere?
