Friday, January 15, 2010

Photo Friday

One of my favorite actors, Michael C. Hall from Six Feet Under and Dexter, announced that he has been going through treatment for Lymphoma, a form of cancer.

In 1988 I went through twelve weeks of chemo therapy for Lymphoma, and I am still kicking. Here is a photo of me after all my hair fell out. Not an eyebrow, not an eyelash, nor any facial hair. Not a hair anywhere, I repeat, not anywhere.

I wish Michael C. Hall all the best and hope he is back for Dexter this coming season. I am addicted to that show.


  1. I too am addicted to Dexter. He'll beat the cancer like you did Alan. Good guys always do!!

  2. I remember you looking very much like Uncle Fester on the Adams Family. Is that Rudy standing next to you? I remember that shirt he's wearing.

  3. I love MCH and hope he'll kick this like you did.

    Now, about the hair thing. Everywhere? I swear to God, I never thought about THAT.

  4. Not that Alan had much hair to begin with...oh wait, I do remember one ot two chest hairs.

  5. We are all glad you beat cancer Alan, otherwise who would write this great blog? Can't believe it was that long ago - Love you!
