Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day


  1. LAZY, where's my story???

  2. It's a holiday. I'm pooped from all the labor I do around here.

  3. Interesting graphic. I was a teamster once. I could see good and bad in having the union. When it first came in, we got giant raises and great benefits (this is in health care) but then people started getting lazy. Actually, the lazy ones were always lazy but after teamsters they got to be lazy keep their jobs too. It was a double edged sword. All things considered, I'd say it was better with the union than without...I think.

  4. I notice that the most prosperous years were the years the unions had the most members. Ever since Reagan started his anti-union actions, and the Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush administrations encouraged the shipping of manufacturing jobs out of the country, the workers have suffered. At least with unions the workers have some voice. I agree though, a lot of unions allowed the least productive to stay employed. I remember when I got my first job at a grocery store and had to join the union. I was pissed that they took money out of my pay for dues. What I didn't realize at the time, was that without the union I'd probably be making half of what I made.

  5. With the boarders wide open, I'm sure that the unions will welcome all into their ranks. I'm sure that all would be welcomed, even if it means sharing the jobs there are now. We all know that it is not who you know, but what you know when joining a union. Right?Hey Al,what type of grocery worker were you?
