Friday, February 2, 2018

Look Left, Look Right, Look Up

When we lived in Florida, every few weeks a tourist would get hit by a car on the main street through town. I figured drunks, or people unfamiliar with the street. That is until we moved back to Chicago. Now I know, all those tourists who stepped off the curb into traffic in Florida were from Chicago. Seriously, I do not remember people being so nonchalant, so disconnected from what was going on around them when I lived in Chicago thirty years ago. Yes, pedestrians would challenge the drivers, but they were on their toes. The people had their eyes on the cars at all times. Not anymore. Again yesterday, some asshole wandered right out in front of me as I was driving. He didn't look up at all. He just stared off into the distance as two tons of steel hurtled towards him. It happens constantly. Women pushing their precious babies in strollers out into the street without looking. Morons looking at phones while walking. Fun and games until they twit out their last tweet on Earth. Mark and I now have a routine when backing out of a parking space or turning a corner. I look around first, then I say to Mark, "Is there anybody out there trying to commit suicide?" If Mark doesn't see anything, I step on the gas. I'm not kidding, nobody looks out for the cars anymore. Well ha, ha. The jokes on them. Half the time I'm not looking either.

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