Monday, April 23, 2012

Going Postal Part II

You can read my original post by clicking here, but in a nutshell this is the story. I needed a second mailbox on my building for my tenants, who apparently have deep dark secrets that would be exposed if I were to rummage through their mail. So I bought a new mail box and while I was putting it up the mailman came by.
 "No! You can't do that. You need permission."
So after four calls to the post office to obtain permission, I finally got frustrated and contacted the United States Postal Service, Customer Service, via email. What I did was copy and paste my little blog post, and send it off without any other explanation. What that got me in return is a call from a very irate lady named Joanne who wanted to know exactly what I said to her manager. I started to repeat my plea for two mail boxes, and that the guy on the phone had said Donna would call me. She stopped me, "Oh I know all about that. Donna's sick. I want to know what you said to Leroy, my boss."
She said this in a demanding and accusatory voice. Joanne was angry.

The fact is that I already have figured out what it is that my tenant didn't want me to find out. It isn't anything I haven't seen before, and I really don't care. So I think I will keep just one mail box. No sense in antagonizing Joanne. After all, going postal is more than just a saying. It has basis in fact.


  1. Governmental workers are scarey!!! Note the word MENTAL is very prominent within that word!

  2. I'm a little disappointed you aren't going after Joanne, but pleeeease tell me what your tenant didn't want you to know--and make it juicy because it's Monday and I need gossip, not more coffee.

  3. Sorry, it's not juicy. It's kind of run of the mill in this day and age. So I'll make something up just for you Hostess.

    He gets women's lingerie in the mail, and has to retrieve it before his wife finds it. Hopefully he doesn't come across the dildo's she ordered on line.

  4. That's what I want to hear. P.S. Jot down where his wife gets her dildos for me...just in case.
