Friday, October 5, 2012


I was watching the debate on Wednesday and
 Mitt Romney reminded me of the movie Zelig by Woody Allen.
Although I agree that President Obama was not good in the debate,
it is kind of understandable. He prepared for the Mitt we have seen for the last year,
not the new Etch-a-Sketch Mitt. He should have seen that coming.


  1. Of course, I didn't watch the debate because it was in the middle of the night over here. But I don't know if I could stomach it anyway. I once read a poem about politics and it went like this:

    Lies, lies lies lies
    Lies lies lies
    Lies Lies Lies
    Different colored ties.

    That's how I feel most of the time.
    But I can't stand Mittens.

  2. Yeah, I find "debates" to be a BIG waste of time and money. I'd rather bathe my dog! The politicians will tell the public whatever it takes to get elected and then do whatever the hell profits them. No one changes their vote because of a "debate", they just feel more smug if their guy "wins"....whatever that means!
