Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Legalized Grass

Three weeks ago the backyard was a matted, barren, dog poop strewn wasteland. By the end of winter you would think that no way will this stuff ever grow back. Dead looking trees, shrubs that look like a stick coming out of the ground, and that sad looking grass. But no, turn on the warmth of the sun and a little rain, okay a lot of rain, and that stuff bursts forth like magic. One day the tree is naked, the next day leaves have popped out of those little buds. Perennials have all come back and the seeds that I threw into the garden, not expecting them to really grow, have actually come up.
Yesterday I looked out the window and realized that I had let the grass go too long without cutting it. One day it was too cold for my tender self to mow the lawn. The next day it was colder, then when it warmed up the rains came, and came, and came. Before I knew it I had a dandelion forest in the front yard and the grass was ankle deep. So I got out the mower and went to work. It choked a couple of times on the tall grass, but I got the job done and all the dandelions are gone. But don't worry, they'll be back by this afternoon. Those suckers grow fast.

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