Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Enjoy Your Breakfast Sir

When I was about nine or ten years old I walked into a tree and I believe I broke my nose. Back in those days parents didn't drag you to the doctor for such insignificant injuries as that, so to this day I have what is referred to as a deviated septum. One problem that this has caused, is that when the weather is cool and the humidity is low, I get bloody noses.

Once again, here I sit with a trash basket full of bloody toilet paper, and no end in sight for the latest gusher. I have squirted about three ounces of Afrin® nasal spray up my nostril, but it hasn't slowed the flow yet and I am starting to feel quite light headed. Usually the Afrin® works quickly enough that I don't have to go through more than one roll of toilet paper. Yes, I have seen a doctor about this problem. Unfortunately, most nose doctors here in South Florida are only interested in cosmetic surgery. If you aren't a fifteen year old Jewish girl from Boca, with daddy's credit card in your purse, they just aren't interested in helping you. The doctor I went to just handed me a tube of ointment, told me to dab it in my nose, and sent me on my way.

Bloody noses aren't that bad when you're at home and can attend to them. It's a horrible thing though when you are out having a good time, suddenly you sneeze, and blood starts spewing from your face. The worst time that this happened to me was while Mark and I were having a pleasant breakfast at a nice little place, and I had a fit of sneezing. Blood immediately gushed forth. I hurried to the men's restroom, and tried to stem the flow with little squares of toilet paper and industrial strength paper towels. I ended up having to run through the restaurant, blood running down my shirt, yelling at Mark to pay the bill and meet me at the car. I really wish I could go back and apologize to all the other diners for ruining their breakfasts. Maybe next time I'll run to the ladies room, and hopefully there will be a tampon dispenser there.


  1. Love the tampon idea!!! It's interesting, I've always thought that I have nose bleeds because of the birthmark that is also on, and in, my nose. I wonder if that is more of a family trait??

  2. Do you have high blood pressure? Have you had it checked lately? Do you watch your daily sodium intake? Examine the labels of the foods you eat. There is sodium in just about everything! Choose no or low sodium foods which can lower blood pressure.

    Do you take alot of aspirin or other salicylate medications? I have heard the nose bleeds can be a sign of other problems like nasal polyps, sinus allergies or an infection.

    I have read that beer, wine, and cordials, which contain tyramine and tannin, are ingredients that can cause the nasal membranes to swell.

    Maybe you should see a specialist instead of a general practitioner.

    I hope any of these suggestions help.

  3. Really Mr. Knows, do think I don't know who you are? He,he.

  4. hahahahahaha oh my GOODNESS @ that last pic

  5. I used to get bloody noses a lot when I was younger. Even up until my late twenties. The only thing I was ever told by any doctor was that my blood vessels in my nose were very close to the surface. I guess I grew out of it. Or my vessels buried themselves deeper over the years. hmmm?

  6. Russell, are you sure that it wasn't fists close to the surface of your nose?
