Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over

Thirty six years ago I voted in my first presidential election. The guy I voted for was named George, George McGovern. George McGovern didn't win, in fact out of the ten presidential elections I have voted in, only four of my candidates have won. Thank goodness for guys named George. It took a guy named George to get the first black man elected president of the United States. George W. Bush did such a horrendous job, and so many Republicans rejected him that any white man could have easily beat the Republican candidate. As it is, he did such a bad job that even white Americans who didn't necessarily like black men, voted in Barack Obama as the forty forth president of the United States.

I knew Obama would win when I was standing in line to vote yesterday. In line with me was 'Republican Mike', one of my neighbors. Republican Mike, is a dyed in the wool Republican. When I have been to his house I saw photo's of him with Gerald Ford, and other old high ranking Republicans. He comes from a military and political family. When I saw Mike in line I greeted him, and joked, "You are voting for Obama, right?". Mike, who has never voted for anyone who didn't have a 'R' in front of their name, shocked me. "Yes I am", he replied, and he was serious.

So today I am happy. I almost never write political crap on my blog. I really mean it to be a story of my life and my history. The fact is that yesterday's election is a huge piece of history, and I think it will turn out to be a good thing. Good luck Mr. President Elect Obama. By the way, can you get Mark a job as one of your doubles?


  1. Thank God it's over and the right man won.

  2. I have never seen a man, since JFK, energize a nation like Barrack Hussein Obama has. I forsee Obama as a two-term president.
    My only regret is that he didn't run in 2004 and end the war in Iraq then. My cousin, who died in Iraq in 2006, would probably be alive today.
    As I was pulling my ID out of my wallet to show election officials, my food stamp card fell out. I was both humbled and proud to have survived the Bush hell years.

  3. I had a tears in my eyes when "W" was elected, but they were not from joy. Last night I again had tears in my eyes, but this time it was from shear joy. The election has given me new hope that our wonderful country can again become a beacon of hope in a world that is very troubled. YEA for AMERICA for seeing beyond color and electing a president that I feel will represent ALL of the people of the United States. I wish him well in what will be a real challenge.

  4. I'm glad all the TV Campaign Ads are over. I would get headaches from seeing the same ads over and over and over. It's amazing how much negativity we find out about politicians during election time.

  5. Wow congratulations you guys and even in the UK I thank god it is over, election[sure it had to be] but it was every where!

    *Has a beer in your honour* - every one is having SUCH a good time there, wish I were there!!!!

  6. History was made last night and your niece, Sam, was in the Grant Park crowd. Energized, excited, and amazed at how happy the diverse crowd was. I'm sure its a memory that will be with her forever. Mr President-elect has a lot to live up to but I think he will do well with so many people behind him.
